Small Size Multiple and Missing Print Errors

Error notes are notes that are misprinted at the BEP. When ,these sheets ,are detected ,they are pulled and destroyed ,and then they are replaced by perprinted star notes. However, some of these error notes escape detection and are released into ,general circulation. There are various types of error notes, some more dramatic than others. , Collectors are facinated by these types of notes and a whole new collecting market ,was born. Some of the types are: Blank backs, missing first , second or third print, foldovers, miscuts or mis-aligned notes, gutter-folds, inverts, double denominations and a few others. The more the dramatic the error, the more valuable they are. There are several books on these types of notes by authors Fred Bart and Steve Sulliavn. You can buy these books at your local book store or on-line.

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The Bureau of Engraving and Printing's (BEP) takes you to the official government site of the BEP for some interesting information and facts on all of our US currency.

US Papermoney will take you to a site that is full of information on everything you ever wanted to know about our US currency. Almost everything anyway. Very cool site!

The American Numismatics Association (ANA) is a professional organization for those who want to further learn about US coins and currency.

PMG and PCGS are the only two TRUE independent currency-grading services available. I highly recommend these two companies for those of you who want to get their currency certified and graded for insurance purposes or simply, a peace of mind.

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6 Notes Found

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Fr.-1894 1984 $5 Error Note Missing Partial 3rd Print (No Seal or Serial no)
For more information on this cool 1984 $5 FRN Error note please contact Jhon E Cash at 214-769-9936 or or

Kimberly at 214-364-4917 or

Added: 3/18/2018 Views: 4772 Price: $875.00


Fr.-1921D 1995 $1 Clev. (3 consec. Blank Backs) # D75928980-2J PMG 66EPQ/67EPQ/66EPQ
This is a very rare ERROR you have never seen before. Maybe it is Unique! This is a 1974 $1 FRN set of three consecutive Blank Backs notes all in one large three piece PMG Holder. I could not scan all three of them together but they are in one 8 1/2 inch ...
Added: 4/3/2015 Views: 4835 Price: SOLD

Fr.-1935A 1976 $2 (Error- Two sets of Serial Numbers) D22822649/53A PCGS-65PPQ
This has always been one of my favorite small size errors of all time. It is the famous 1976 $2 Additional Overprint Error. This $2 error is also featured on the cover of Dr Fred Bart’s 2nd edition book titled, United States Paper Money Errors. In his bo...
Added: 9/22/2014 Views: 4777 Price: $19,800.00


Fr.-1974 1977 $5 Clev.(3 set error note) D56592472-4A PMG 65/66/65 All EPQ
This is a very nice 3 piece error set. They are consecutive serial numbered. It is a 1977 $5 Cleveland FRN Blank Back serial number #D56592473A in a PMG-66EPQ Superb GEM holder with two bookend notes! Both bookend notes are PMG-65EPQ notes. Each note is i...
Added: 4/3/2015 Views: 4810 Price: SOLD

Fr.-2072B 1977 $20 N.Y. FRN ( Blank Back Error) Ser. # B99452199A CGA-55
This is a 1977 $20 FRN Blank Back or missing the first print, however you want to say it. It has been a CGA holder for about 9 years. This is a real nice example of this popular error type. You can see the one clean crease down the back side horizontally....
Added: 1/1/2010 Views: 4753 Price: $550.00


Fr.-unknown $10 Dallas FRN Ser. # K91783618A PMG-66EPQ
This error note has no date on it. The complete 2nd print is missing on this superb GEM error note. This Dallas $10 FRN is in a PMG-66EPQ holder. Second print errors are not as common as missing first print errors or even missing third print errors. There...
Added: 1/1/2010 Views: 4821 Price: SOLD

6 Notes Found

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