Large Size Legal Tenders $2 Fr-41 to Fr-60

During the Civil War, both the North as well as the South developed their own currency. Ripped apart by war and teetering on bankruptcy, Congress ordered the printing of a number of notes. These Large Size Notes were commonly called horse blankets because of their dimensions. Issued from 1861 to 1928, their original size was approximately 7.42 inches by 3.13 inches. Cost cutting measures have reduced todays note to the more familiar 6.14 inches by 2.61 inches. Demand Notes or Greenbacks minted only in 1861 represent Americas first type of Federal Bank money.

All notes that was printed and issued to the public is still legal tender today and can be redeemed to any bank for face value. They exception is the 1900 $10,000 gold certificate that was tossed out of a window during a fire in 1936. They were punched cancelled and therefor have no face value for redemption except for collectors.

United States Legal Tender (United States Notes) notes consisted of five issues:

  • The first issue of March 10, 1862, was issued in denominations of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. There are two seperate obligationson the reverse side of these notes.
  • The second issue, dated August 1, 1862, was confined to $1 and $2 notes, although the face design does indicate that a $3 denomination was planned, but not released.
  • The third issue, dated March 10, 1863, was printed in the same denominations as the first issue, but changes were made to the back design.
  • The fourth issue was printed under authority of the Congressional Act of March 3rd, 1863. These notes were issued from $1 to $10,000 denominations and included the of Series 1869, 1874, 1878, 1880, 1907, 1917 and 1923, with all except the 1869 notes carrying the designation "United States Note." The 1869 series was designated as "Treasury Note." The United States introduced paper with silk threads as a deterrent to counterfeiting with the Series 1869 notes.
  • The fifth issue was limited to the $10 denomination series of 1901. (The Bison Note). These notes were issued under the authority of the Legal Tender Acts of 1862 and 1863.

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4 Notes Found (Exclude Star Notes)

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Fr.-42 1869 $2 Legal Tender Ser. 72919588 PCGS-64PPQ
For more information on this 1869 $2 Rainbow note please contact Jhon E Cash at 214-769-9936 or or

Kimberly at 214-364-4917 or

Added: 4/7/2018 Views: 4757 Price: $8,850.00


Fr.-42 1869 $2 Rainbow LT Rainbow Note. ser# U631242 PCGS-40 PPQ
This is one beautiful 1869 $2 Legal Tender. It is commonly referred to as the Rainbow note because of the beautiful multicolored spectrum of rainbow colors that permeates across its face. The serial number is U631242 and it resides in a PCGS-40PPQ holder....
Added: 5/9/2015 Views: 4813 Price: SOLD

Fr.-57* 1917 $2 LT 2nd finest Kwn. Star Ser. # *5168B PMG-64EPQ
This is a very high grade and stunning 1917 $2 Legal Tender Star Note with the small red scalloped seal. This is commonly referred to as the Bracelet note because of the design on the back resembles a Bracelet. This note was the 2nd finest graded by PMG....
Added: 1/1/2010 Views: 4758 Price: $3,750.00

Fr.-60* 1917 $2 Legal Tender Star Ser. # *4192644B PMG -64EPQ
33% Off
This is one of the finest 1917 $2 Legal Tender Stars you will come across. This note was previously in a CGA-65 holder. There just aren't many PMG-64EPQ large size legal tender star notes available. T...
Added: 1/1/2010 Views: 4725 Price: $3,650.00

4 Notes Found

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